Glass jars enshrine 13 lbs. of unsalted butter, vegetable shortening, canola oil, extra virgin olive oil, sesame oil and cream cheese with embroidery on tulle.
3 1/2 “ x 3 1/2 ” x 84“
Conversion (Detail)
Matte medium, cocoa butter and silk thread
5” x 48” x 5”
Us (Detail)
The curious sympathy one feels...
Acrylic paint, matte medium, silk and cotton thread, a daughter and Leaves of Grass
18” x 20“ x 5’ 8”
The curious sympathy one feels... (Detail)
Dance Revolution 4:Nighttime Sorties
Dickie’s coveralls, graphite sticks, silk thread, 32,032 yards of sulky thread and graphite on paper
4’1” x 7’3”
Upper Body Exercise (from 50 over 50 series)
24 1/2” x 25 1/2 “ x 5 ”
Upper Body Exercise (from 50 over 50 series) (Detail)